Rain poured steadily from the low grey sky, dripping insidiously off the tips of cedar boughs and sword ferns. The water trickled between flat piles of soggy yellow alder leaves, and pooled on the edges of the gravel trail that faded up into the misty Chuckanuts. The boys, bundled in rubber boots and raincoats, were ready to trek into the sandstone mountains. It was raining and pouring, and we were ready to go exploring!
In Explorer’s Club, we love games that we can play on the go - trail games. One of our favorites is called “Hide!”, and we took every opportunity along the trail to pause for a round or two. If you don’t already know how to play, ask your explorer to tell you the rules.
With water falling from the sky, it was no surprise that we found a tumbling waterfall just a bit further up the trail. The boys learned some lessons about risk management, after we asked them not to climb over wet rocks… but when a kid is wrapped in waterproof gear, sometimes they want to test its limits. We practiced our engineering skills below the waterfall by constructing a small dam (and removing it afterward to let the stream flow naturally), and then put our rain gear to the ultimate test of crawling through a rushing culvert. No one was hurt, but everyone walked away with a better understanding of risk vs reward and thoughtful decision making based on current conditions and individual preparedness.
Further down the trail we had a conversation about “playing with honor” when one player of “Hide!” was revealed by his fellow explorers (he was standing right behind me, moving as I turned, and I actually didn’t notice until his fellows laughed and pointed him out). He might have set a BEC Hide measure record!
After lunch, we climbed up the hill behind the log bridge. Our rainboots eroded chunks from the soil, and we connected again to our participation in environmental stewardship and restoration. We have an impact on the land while we live on it, and so we work actively to reduce our impact and create a sustainable, resilient earth.
We ended the day with an epic game of Spider’s Web, and of course the closing circle of gratitude. The boys shared one thing they were grateful for, and one thing they had learned about camouflage. Ask your explorer how they used some strategies of camouflage: stay low, go slow (and silent), break up your outline, interpose terrain between you and the person seeking you, and stay alert yourself. After our final apple snack, we tromped back down to the gravel lot and towards our warm, dry homes.
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